Perhaps we need to re-think insurance?

Politicians are bent on making the Affordable Care Act a hot potato — blaming each other, describing (in inflammatory terms) how the government is being “shut down” and people “held hostage.”

How sad.

What they’re really doing is creating a smokescreen, proving they’re incompetent at what they were elected to do.

Sadder still is the fact that newscasters aren’t calling this law what it really is, an assault on FREEDOM.

I don’t care how they spin it. It’s un-American to force any citizen to buy anything!

Regardless of how much it’s going to help people.

Regardless if “they” promise to help pay for it.

I’m a Web designer. I know every business needs to have a Website to promote, sell, and educate.

But I can’t force them to buy my services. Nor should the government.

That would be tantamount to extortion, which the last time I checked is a crime.

Medical Insurance is a luxury. Like buying a house, a car, or a vacation.

Buying insurance, or not buying, should be a choice. Not a mandate.

We don’t need insurance to live. It’s not like food and water, clothing and shelter.

Yes, there are plenty of Americans who don’t have medical insurance.

Some can’t afford it. Some don’t want it. Some aren’t eligible under current restrictions.

Does the insurance industry need regulating?

Probably. But requiring people to buy won’t solve its problems.

Nor will it solve the bigger problems facing our country today — a sagging economy, lack of jobs, too much crime, and so on.

NO American should be forced — under penalty of a fine — to buy anything.


Our forebears fought and died for the privilege of being free.

Of not living under tyranny.

Or fear of going to the poorhouse to comply with laws some are exempt from.

What if “they” passed a law requiring everybody to eat a serving of broccoli every day?

Sure, it would help broccoli farmers, but it wouldn’t do much for the cattle industry.

And I don’t care how you spin it. Calling a pig a chicken doesn’t mean it can lay eggs!

The idea of “affordable care for all” sounds noble.

But I as a free American shouldn’t have to buy it.

This isn’t a political issue. It’s a moral issue.

And no one industry should profit from a law at the expense of free choice.

15 thoughts on “Perhaps we need to re-think insurance?

  1. Obamacare might not be the answer. But still something needs to change and Obamacare has passed through every section of government. And now we have members of our congress protesting by reading Dr. Seuss to hold up the process, and refusing to fund government. As someone who is Republican, that does not make me proud. President Obama is right when he says, “we are better than this” even if he doesn’t have the right solution to health care.

    • I appreciate your point of view, Katybeth. I agree that something needs to change. A big part of me doesn’t believe anyone truly knew what this bill mandated when it slid through Congress, nor do many of them seem to care now that it’s law. Just because one mistake was made doesn’t mean we have to compound it with more. I think it’s pretty obvious that this isn’t about politics (even though they want to make it be). It’s a difference in ideology and vision. Thanks for adding to the conversation!

  2. Health care costs are ridiculous. Even with insurance, costs are high…without it, many don’t seek treatment, or cannot pay (and then to make up for those who cannot pay, costs get higher for those with insurance.) I see the healthcare reform as addressing a symptom (individual’s ability to pay) not the root cause – the cost of medical care itself. People don’t want to pay higher taxes to fund healthcare, or fight universal health care because it is “socialist”. While many can agree something needs to change, no one can agree on how to fix it.

    • It’s just like with any reform, Janna, be it education, housing, banking, whatever. Something needs to be done, but nobody can agree what. Or how. It’s sad and aggravating to me, though, that this subject has become so polarized. We citizens can somehow manage to discuss it rationally; too bad that the representatives we elected cannot. Thanks for your opinions!

  3. I’m with you 110% on this post, Debbie. If you had a soapbox – I’d stand on it with you. It’s smoke and mirrors and one more step toward socialism. Shame on “them.” It’s putting many a small business owner out of business. How does that help us? Something needs to be done about our pithy health care system – but this is not the answer.

    • Thanks for your words of support, Barb. I’d be awfully glad to have you join me on my soapbox! It’s frightening to think how our country has changed, just in my lifetime (and I’m not OLD!!). Never would I have dreamed that my government would FORCE me to buy anything, be it a Cadillac or a puppy or a Timex watch, just to help a struggling industry. So unfair!

  4. AMEN to this post, Debbie, and I agree with every single word!

    And what really scares me is that those of us (like myself who doesn’t have health insurance because I’m an independent contractor) and cannot afford health insurance on my own, will be FINED when they file their 2014 tax returns in April 2015 if they DON’T have insurance.

    “But I as a free American shouldn’t have to buy it.

    This isn’t a political issue. It’s a moral issue.

    And no one industry should profit from a law at the expense of free choice.”


    And thank you for sharing this post, my friend!

    • I was afraid I’d stir up a hornet’s nest of protests, Ron, but I feel very strongly about this. I, too, am an independent worker with no health insurance. That’s okay because thankfully I take care of myself and am healthy. I truly feel sorry for those who aren’t as fortunate. Something should be done, but not this.

      That said, if you weigh the projected fine ($95 for the year) versus the projected insurance costs (upward of $200+ a month), it’s easy to see which is the way to go!

      Still, it all comes down to choice. If it were really a great program, first of all, our leaders would demand to be included; second of all, it would be offered as an option, not a mandate.

      Thanks for your support, my friend!

  5. Okay, I’m going to have to go out on a limb and disagree with everyone here but please don’t shoot me for it. I just want to point out that when it comes to health insurance we taxpayers and the government end up paying for those who don’t have it.

    You say it’s our right to not have it if we don’t want to. Well, that would be okay if in fact those who don’t want it never plan to use the healthcare system. The fact is each of us is human, and the day will come when each of us will need the healthcare system. Heck, I’ve used it several times already, including when I gave birth to each of my kids. I cannot imagine the costs I would have had to pay without having insurance.

    People who feel it’s their right not to have health insurance have to ask themselves if they ever plan to use our healthcare system in the course of their lives. If they can safely say they will never use it, or that they understand they’ll need to pay 100% of the bill, then fine. But how many of us can say this?

    We are not Super beings who never get sick. Few of us can really afford medical bills 100%. Currently, those folks who don’t have insurance go to ER and generally, can’t afford to pay. So, we, taxpayers, foot their bill for them. Is this fair? Is it their right not to pay so that we have to on their behalf?

    I know Obamacare has it flaws, but it’s a step in the right direction and the Supreme Court already said it is Constitutional. So why are we still fighting it? This is a dumb fight. It’s law and we need to get over it and move on. We need to stop holding the country hostage. There are other laws that cost money, no doubt, and I don’t see us trying to repeal/stop those laws. What’s going on right now doesn’t make sense at all.

    Finally, as someone with one child still in college and another one unemployed (and looking) for a while, I really appreciated when Obamacare announced that children up to the age of 26 could stay under their parents’ plan. It took my son some time to find a job that offered insurance, so the fact that he was able to go back under my plan was a God send and gave me peace of mind. 23 used to be the cutoff, so as a parent, I really appreciated that.

    Before Obamacare, insurance companies were able to charge women more than men because women, who can get pregnant, were treated as having “pre-existing” conditions. Now, that is against the law to discriminate against women in this way. Isn’t this an improvement? I think so.

    Regarding the penalty of $95/per year: that’s only for the first year. That penalty is going to increase every year.

    • Well, Monica, I just knew someone would “argue” against me, but I applaud your courage and defend your right to your opinion! What is it they say? “He convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” Obviously, I disagree, but I promise not to be disagreeable!

      We all know there are bad laws on the books. Some were instituted way back when (no spitting on sidewalks, i.e.); others, more recently. Yes, it’s not cost-effective to take a closer look at ALL laws and refine or get rid of them as need be. However, laws that go against the grain of America’s foundation must be reviewed and repealed. I’m referring to laws that force us to change from capitalism to socialism (or worse).

      Yes, medical costs are exorbitant. So are houses, cars, and a college education. But I’ll never accept that the *government* is responsible for seeing to it that every citizen (and even non-citizens) have insurance, homes of their own, cars, and a diploma. It’s the government’s job to get out of the way and let citizens attain those things on their own — if they *want* them. Mandating that the “rich” provide these luxuries for their fellow citizens is wrong, wrong, wrong! Letting legislators and big companies off the hook from the plan is also wrong. And punishing small businesses with fines for not providing something like health insurance is extortion. It’s tantamount to demanding that every woman have at least one child, just so the population will remain fairly stable.

      Government has no business legislating what can and should be handled by individuals or private organizations. The less government we have, the better, I think. For someone — anyone — in far-off Washington, D.C. to tell me I *have* to buy anything borders on insanity. Sorry, that’s what I think!

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