Healing Beads for a Friend

When the husband of a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer several months ago, I started pondering ways I could help.

Other than prayer, which I immediately did. And still do.

Luckily, Suzicate posted a blog about creativity, making a strand of prayer/meditation beads, and it hit me — I can do that!

As a Catholic and “beader”, I regularly make Rosaries. But my friend’s husband isn’t Catholic. And I never try to push my religion onto others.

Nor was I comfortable promoting the Buddhist philosophy.

Still, I firmly believe God put everything here on Earth that we need. Even rocks.

The Bible tells us God instructed His people to use certain stones — including jasper, agate, sapphire, and carnelian — when making the temple high priest’s clothing. And the Book of Revelation indicates the new temple will be constructed in Jerusalem using many of these same stones.

Do I believe gemstones, in and of themselves, heal? No, of course not.

Do I believe God can use gemstones to bring about healing? Definitely. He’s God; He can use whatever instrument He chooses.

So I designed and crafted a strand of healing beads. Not a bracelet, but a string of about eight inches long, consisting of semiprecious beads that supposedly have healing properties.

Stones like Flourite (to fortify bones), Howlite (to balance calcium levels), and Jasper (to ease emotional stresses).

On either end of my strand, I attached a simple Chinese coin, which traditionally is a feng shui money cure. Not that this man is suffering from lack of funds, but cancer treatments are expensive, and every little bit of “luck” helps!

Before I took the beads to him, I thought hard about what message I was sending. I didn’t want to mislead him by offering false hope, nor did I want to confuse him about Who is really in charge here.

So I told him some people call them worry beads. Others refer to them as prayer beads. Whatever we choose to call them, and whether they actually work, probably depends on our frame of mind. And the will of our Creator.

He was thrilled with my gift! He sat for a long while, fingering the beads and trying to memorize from my cheat-sheet which was which stone and their metaphysical properties.

Of course he’s undergoing traditional treatment. But if something as simple as gemstones can ease his mind during this difficult time, that’s a good thing, don’t you agree?

24 thoughts on “Healing Beads for a Friend

  1. Yes. I agree. The love, hope, and thoughtfulness that you put into the gift is powerful spiritual medicine that will help him no matter what turn his illness takes and touch his wives soul as she fingers them during tough times.
    Lovely, lovely gesture

  2. Debbie, Beautiful. Just the gesture of making these beads for your friend’s husband conveys compassion, concern and support- all the ingredients for healing. When I was undergoing cancer chemotherapy, every little gesture of concern from others made a huge difference. I never realized how much a card could brighten my day. Your beads are a treasure. Little things do mean a lot.

    • Thanks so much for validating my gesture, Kathy. It truly helps to know, from someone who’s been there, that my clumsy efforts at showing concern might not be as clunky as they appear to me. So often, in these instances, we just don’t know what to say and what to do. I suppose it would be so much worse to say and do nothing.

  3. I think this is a beautiful gift. I love fingering the stones. I love reading about the metaphysical healing properties of them, but there are certain ones I simply love for its color. And God will heal in any way he wants. I think he just wants us to talk to him whether it’s prayer, meditation, or worry beads.

    • I think what you’ve said here is very wise, Suzi! And I thank you for putting the idea into my head to make these beads for him. I, too, love fingering the stones and looking at the varied colors. Aren’t crystals beautiful when they catch the light just right?!

  4. Absolutely, Debbie. And I believe he’ll feel and know the love and thoughtfulness and faith and hope that went into the making of it. What a heartfelt creation. I’ll bet it was beautiful.

    • Thank you, Barb. My late dad always used to say a present meant more when it was hand-made, and without knowing that, this man said the same thing when I gave it to him. That was enough affirmation for me!

  5. While I simply don’t believe any stones have special, metaphysical healing properties, I know without a doubt that your gift was a perfect way to communicate care and concern. Having something physical to hang on to is so important. We can say, “I care about you”, but words fade away. That’s one reason I’ve started sending my elderly aunt little post cards and such, rather than always calling. She can put the card on the refrigerator, use it as a bookmark, etc. It’s a tangible reminder of being thought of – just like your beads!

    • Wonderful, thoughtful idea, Linda! Too often, we assume the elderly and the sick know we’re thinking about them, when a tangible reminder means so much more. I think we’re called to show care in many different ways; it’s up to us to find the way that best utilizes our abilities and speaks the deepest to others. Thanks for your suggestion!

    • I hadn’t thought of it in exactly that way, Kim — thank you! Isn’t that what God calls us to do, reflect His Love so others will see and believe? Wow, that’s powerful stuff, my friend!

  6. That was such a sweet and thoughtful gift. (I wish you had picture, though :)) Nothing shows someone how much we care like handmade gifts. I do agree that the mind is a powerful part of healing. Just thinking we can beat the illness increases our chances of doing it. If the beads keep him from dwelling on the ‘what ifs’ and distracts himself from worry, then great!

    • At first, his situation looked really grim, but he’s hanging in there and seems to be stabilizing. I know he’s on lots of prayer lists, and that’s bound to help, but if he can get some comfort from rubbing this strand of beads, great! Thanks for the encouragement, Janna (and you’re right — I should have snapped a picture first!)

  7. Debbie, that is truly a gift from the heart and I’m not surprised in the least that your friend’s husband loved them. You put so much thought, love and faith into those beads, I just know they’re going to have a positive impact.

    • I hope so, Terri. It’s hard seeing someone you care about going through something this serious. You want to help, but you just feel so helpless. Beading was something constructive I could do — it helps me, too, for my hands to have something to do so I won’t worry!!

    • Thanks for the encouragement, Monica! You’re right — the support of friends is so important during the ups and downs (especially the downs!) of life. Fortunately, he’s got lots of friends who drop by and cheer him up with food, cards, etc.

    • Thanks, Dawn. It’s nice to know for once I got it right! It’s so hard picking out something meaningful in situations like this. Perhaps you can’t go wrong when you give something of yourself?

  8. Deb…your love and kindess showed the compassion in your heart toward someone in need of a touch from the masters.hand. Prayer is what will carry us through the rough times. I’m sure this man will always remember your compassionate act towards him. God bless you! You ARE a precious woman of God!

    • Now you’ve got me all blushing, Tanya! Thank you for your kind words. Although I recognize that I’m not a healer in the traditional sense of the word, I think all of us are called to offer comfort and care toward God’s children in whatever way we can.

  9. Debbie, now only do I love the concept of the prayer beads, I love all the thought you put into it. Not only is it considerate, it is also a respectful gesture. I was born and raised Catholic. Novenas are still a way of life for my Spanish mother. We believe in the power of prayer but more importantly, in having the faith that God takes care of all His children. That said, my mother and I also love semi precious stones. I have a rose quartz that is 20 years old! I hope your friend will be okay. He’s very blessed to have wonderful people like you in his corner! 🙂

    • A 20-year-old rose quartz? Why, no wonder you and the Significant Other have such a zestful relationship!! I bet you keep it under your pillow, don’t you? Anyway, rose quartz is known as the love stone (but you probably knew that!). Thank you for reinforcing my belief that God can heal through a variety of people and things!

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