Happy Halloween!

From the cutest little witch this side of Hogwarts!


(and Hedwig, his trusty owl)


Mama better let me have the entire jar of cookies for putting up with this silliness!

30 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!

  1. OMG Debbie, I am smiling from ear to ear looking at these photographs of Dallas! He has, without a doubt, the cutest (and I mean CUTEST) little face of any dog ever. I just want hug and kiss him!

    (((((((((((( DALLAS ))))))))))

    LOVE the photographs! What a GREAT costume!

    Happy Halloween to you and Dallas!


    • Mr. Ron, if you were here, I Dallas would give you lots of hugs and lickies! You know, I didn’t have a clue when Mama started posing me for these pictures. I didn’t want that hat on my head, for sure! But, she promised treats (and delivered them!) so I can’t complain. Happy Halloween, woof woof!!

  2. Oh, Dallas! You look gorgeously wicked, but we’re dreadfully worried now! Being a cat at Hallowe’en is not easy – people start expecting you to be their familiar, and if you’re not careful they start chanting spells every time you come near! Thank goodness we’re not black, but if our servant comes anywhere near us with a bottle of hair-dye she’ll be sorry! Have a spooky weekend!

    Love, Tommy and Tuppence

    • Tommy and Tuppence, I’ve always heard that folks who have black cats should keep them locked up inside on Halloween to protect them. I Dallas don’t even like Trick-or-Treaters in their scary costumes. And masks! Stay safe, you two, and beware servants bearing bottles of dye!!

  3. Well done! See it is just a matter of finding the right costume and pairing it with the right motivation. Dallas did a great job! I have a few suggestions for next year…just sayin. Why have kids and dogs if you can’t torture them a wee bit.

    • Miss Katybeth, Mama will take all the suggestions you can offer! And so will I, you know, because she was mighty SLOW. As for the torture, well, you got that right — if she hadn’t had those treats available nearby, I’d have protested big time!!

    • Thank you, Miss Monica. What are your two doggins going as this year? Wait, you aren’t dressing them up?? Sigh. How did I get stuck with this witch costume then?!

  4. I just can’t believe how cute Dallas is in that costume. It’s really quite striking. Of course I never could accomplish anything like that with Dixie Rose, but with Dallas to enjoy, who cares?

    • Aw, thanks, Miss Linda! Mama worked really hard to suit me up and get me to stay put so she could bring you this picture.I’ll tell her her efforts weren’t for naught!

  5. Pingback: Halloween Pup Parade

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