Sunday’s Gem — Turquoise

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein

The name Turquoise comes from the French expression for “Turkish stone” in recognition of trade routes that brought this sky blue to blue- or yellow-green beauty to Europe from Asia via Turkey.

Reconstituted Turquoise beads

Reconstituted Turquoise beads (means they’ve been treated to eliminate the stone’s natural softness, brittleness, and porousness)

Turquoise is an opaque mineral with a 5-6 on the Mohs scale of hardness. The bulk of the world’s supply is produced in arid climates, such as the southwestern U.S., China, Chile, Egypt, Iran, and Mexico.

The stone often contains bits of its host rock (called matrix) that impart a striking black or brown spiderweb design. The more copper in the mix, the bluer the stone; iron makes the stone greener.

The earliest recorded use dates from 6000 years ago in Egypt, where royals were buried wearing Turquoise jewelry.

Ancient doctors ground Turquoise into a powder, which they used to cure stomach disorders, internal bleeding, and insect bites. Popular as a good luck charm, Turquoise was thought to protect the wearer from danger and to attract wealth. Traditionally, it’s the birthstone for December.

Blue gemstones like Turquoise activate the throat chakra and are said to help us express our wisdom and truth. Healing can come through wearing Turquoise every day as jewelry, placing some near you (say, at work), or holding a piece and meditating with it.

Turquoise is the symbol of friendship. As the saying goes, “He, or she, who owns a Turquoise will never want for a friend.”

Turquoise is thought to alleviate pain, increase muscular strength, absorb negativity, calm mind and body, ground the wayward spirit, enhance analytical thinking, and detox from pollution and radiation.

Turquoise and silver bracelet with toggle clasp (yep, I made it!)

Turquoise and silver bracelet with toggle clasp (yep, I made it!)

Something I found interesting — because Turquoise takes on the characteristics of its owner, it’s said to grow pale when its owner is sick or sad, lose color when the owner dies, and gradually return to color when transferred to a new, healthy owner. Yikes!

Metaphysicists tout Turquoise for helping avoid unwise investments, protect against theft and accidental falls, guard pets from straying, promote leadership, and overcome writer’s block.

Now, don’t you think you should add a little Turquoise to your life?

24 thoughts on “Sunday’s Gem — Turquoise

  1. I’ve always casually wondered about the color range in turquoise. I’d always assumed it was blue, until I came across some with a distinctly greenish cast. Thanks for clearing that up for me! I do like turquoise, especially when set in silver. Of course, that means that Navajo jewelry’s at the top of my list, although I’m not so fond of the big, chunky pieces. I do have a few small pieces of raw turquoise I got from a friend who did rock polishing. Even in its raw state, it’s very pretty.

    • I’ve always loved turquoise and silver, and the Native American craftsmanship in the southwestern U.S. is particularly stunning. Sadly, I didn’t pick up a few pieces while I was in Texas (although I have to agree with you — those large and clunky items don’t do it for me either!)

      Did you know King Tut’s burial mask was inlaid with Turquoise, among other stones??

  2. Yes, yes, yes I think I should wear some! Overcome writer’s block among its many other gifts? Besides being such a beautiful stone in and of itself? How interesting that it takes on a different shade depending on its wearer’s circumstances and health. Thanks for the research and the sharing.

    • Barb, thank YOU for coming along on my gemstone journey! I’m learning so much from this topic, and I love having everything neat and tidy and in one place — must be my Virgo coming out, ha!

  3. If it’s supposed to guard pets from straying, I shall get T&T matching turquoise collars immediately! I never knew that’s where the name came from – interesting! Personally, I rather like the greener end of turquoise rather than the blue.

    • Fortunately, Dallas doesn’t stray. He tend to be underfoot ALL the time, making it a challenge not to trip over his furry self! Usually, I love the color green, but with turquoise, I tend to prefer the sky blue shades. Its beauty lies in the variety of colors for individual preference!

  4. Debbie, first I have to say…I LOVE THAT TURQUOISE BRACELET YOU MADE!!!! Wow…it’s absolutely gorgeous! You are talented in so many creative ways…your writing, your web design, and your jewelry making.

    Again, what a fascinating post about gemstones! Turquoise has always been one of my faves; especially when coupled with silver. Also, whenever I see someone wearing a piece of turquoise jewelry, my eyes immediately go to it. There is something very sacred, earthy and grounding about turquoise. And I love how different and unique each piece of turquoise is.

    “Turquoise takes on the characteristics of its owner, it’s said to grow pale when its owner is sick or sad, lose color when the owner dies, and gradually return to color when transferred to a new, healthy owner. ”

    Now that is VERY interesting because I didn’t know that about turquoise.

    I am so enjoying these gemstone post topics. Thanks so much for sharing them!

    Have a superb week, my friend!
    X to you and Dallas

    • Gee, thanks, Ron — generally, I prefer using a variety of stones in my bracelets (trying to protect myself from LOTS of woes, ha!), but these turquoise stones felt so good and looked so good against the silver that I left them together. Now, I’m glad I did because wearing that bracelet feels just right!

      “There is something very sacred, earthy and grounding about turquoise. And I love how different and unique each piece of turquoise is.” My friend, you’ve said it! I, too, am drawn to beautiful stones, and turquoise does feel sacred. As you know, Native Americans still consider it a powerful stone of protection.

      Enjoy your week, dear, and watch out for all that rain! xx

  5. One stone I own a lot of but I didn’t know much about. Thank you. Funny, back in the days they use to give away turquoise when you bought gas at Stuckey’s between El Paso and Las Cruces and El Paso and Albuquerque. And it was the good stuff. Squash blossoms were pricey but still affordable and it was the silver that push the cost up. Times have changed, for sure. I priced a Turquoise piece when I was in Santa Fe recently and it was way out of my budget. Glad I bought early and about that writer’s block..I might need to wear it more often. ♥

    • Seriously? They GAVE away turquoise? Why, oh, why, didn’t I know that? I’d have lined up for a long time to get some, especially when it was the good stuff! When I lived in Texas, I often admired the squash blossom jewelry some of the ladies wore, but buying that stuff on a reporter’s salary wasn’t gonna happen. And now, one has to be very careful because there’s so much junk out there masquerading as real turquoise. Sigh.

    • Good guess, Professor. Typically, Aquamarine (another blue-green stone, but way clearer) is considered the birthstone for March. And it’s a beauty!

    • I love the color of turquoise, but then blue and green are my favorite colors. And its rich history is another fascinating aspect of it. Its healing properties are an added bonus!

        • Really? It’s the stone of friendship and is supposed to emit protective energy when given by a friend. I just love the Native American pieces!

        • As a teenager I only wore turquoise…later a diamond ring, but still turquoise until my early thirties.

    • Why, thanks a bunch! “A little side thing”? Do you make jewelry, too? What fun, meeting another who does! I’ve been beading for several years (all self-taught), and I find it enjoyable…and relaxing!

        • That’s very cool. I often am asked if I sell the things I make, but so far, I haven’t done that. I do, however, give away pieces, and seeing someone enjoy a piece provides much satisfaction.

        • Yes it does Debbie. I give away some too. I’m now making a necklace for a friend who just lost her brother, very sad. I get some of my style inspirations from hotandflashy (on YouTube)…she has great taste but a much bigger budget than I do, and she does some cool videos.

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